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Today I bring you Galactic Colonies.
You can download it here: Galactic Colonies on Google Play
In this game, you explore the galaxy. You are giving a colony ship and you must travel around and building structures to gain wealth and rank. This game is hard to classify, there is only a minor idle game aspect that doesn't count for much. The only idle rewards are credits on your active colony. The simplest way to classify this game is to call it a casual space simulator.
This is your map. It is divided into sectors. Each one has a handful of planets, sometimes a space station or even an asteroid field. You must complete a certain number of planets to open up a wormhole that takes you to a new sector.
You also have a player level that offers perks as you progress. More on that later. In the top left are "time capsules." These are a kind of premium currency that you use to buy a better ship or use various buffs.
When you choose a planet, you get this screen that shows you your objectives. So far all the objectives are fairly easy and you can complete a planet normally in one sitting.
Welcome to the planet's surface. Here you get a rundown of stuff. The in-game tutorial will explain what everything is so I will skip that.
Each colony starts with the same basic needs. You build a farm. Connect it to a warehouse, and then connect that warehouse to the residential building. Each resident requires food. You then grow colonists over time. I found that each warehouse can have four input connections and four output connections.
You then must explore the hexagons using credits to gain more places to build. Overall, there are only about 20 buildings and you only use them about half of the time.
When you level up, after level 5, you unlock skill points. Each skill gives you a permanent boost in some way. I recommend rushing the upgrade that looks like waves. This allows you to uncover whole oceans with one exploration.
If you click on one of the grey hexagons on the HUD, you get to choose temporary buffs. You watch a short video to get these bonuses for 15 minutes. All ads are optional and are not needed to complete the game.
Next is research. Taking time, you can research upgrades or new buildings. The highest research takes 20 hours and that can be knocked down using boosters. Each one will remove 4 hours from research. This will idle along and requires no resources. There are 3 categories, each relating to the same build categories you find planetside.
Space stations allow you to buy a new ship. Each stage gives you more speed and more colonies. This is supposed to allow you to have 2 or more active colonies but this is worthless as you can only interact with a planet your ship orbits, so just complete planets one at a time.
Lastly... The cosmetic upgrades. These cost real money and can not be purchased with collected currencies.
This is a fun game. It's fast and simple to play but can get repetitive. I feel noncompletionists will get more with the repetitive gameplay. Other than that, anyone can pick this game up and play for just a few minutes a day.
There is no story beyond the tutorial. This game seems open-ended and has no real endgame.
Amount of ads:

Advertised as seen:
Every screenshot and ad I've seen matches the game. No hidden agendas and everything is straightforward.
The graphics are 3d and simplistic. Everything is visually appealing and adds to the feeling of the game.
The music is nice and peaceful but loops very quickly. It has a general sci-fi feel. The sound effects are very similar and will get repetitive very quickly. There isn't anything that stands out about sounds.
Easy, fast, and simple. Each planet takes a short time to complete. The strategies are easy to master but it does get boring after doing the same thing all the time.
Free play:
You can play and unlock everything except paint. If you play long enough, you are given everything you need. The only thing is you may have to watch videos to get enough time capsules to upgrade your ship. There are microtransactions to speed up gameplay but you don't need them.
Fun factor:
👽 out of this world.
It is great fun for your whole space family.
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