
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Random Dice

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Today's mobile game is: Random Dice

This game is a very interesting mix of, PvP, Tower defense, and merge game. I didn't know what to think about this game, but I ended up enjoying this game. 

Here's the first screen you are greeted with. There are two currencies. Gems are the premium currency for this game and are earned by daily quests and winning in PvP. The second currency is gold. You get it the same way but it's more common.

This is the base of your deck. You get five different kinds of dice to start with. You can unlock more dice from the shop or co-op chest (Card box). The basic dice tend to be very weak and rarer dice offer better attack patterns. You collect multiple copies of dice to level them up using gold.

This is the store that you can buy packs of dice. The rarer the dice, the more it costs to buy. Further down you can find packs to buy gems, and chests that give a lot of dice when bought with gems.

This shop has skins for the battlefield. I've gone against someone that had a skin and it changed the battlefield for me as I do not have any skins unlocked.

This menu is for special modes that cost premium currency. There appears to be a way to win more gems back.

Here you get free items from the daily menu. Then you get more for completing the tasks. If you complete all of them, you can use the reroll once a day to get a new task, or replace an incomplete one.

This is the main PvP mode. As you kill one of the enemy squares it will send one to your opponent. You collect SP to put more dice on the board and spend SP to level up the dice up to stage 5. Each wave has a set time and after so many waves a boss shows up.


5 of 5 cogs.

This game really amazed me with several simple mechanics combined into something new. There is a lot of luck involved so it's possible to beat someone with higher level dice. I will note here that I've had issues with stability and have been disconnects several times during a match.


There is no story at all.

Amount of ads:

There are no ads that are blasted in your face like most games. You can only watch ads to get a one-time PvP boost or to gain another co-op play. I recommend playing as much co-op as possible because it gives you gold and cards very quickly.

Advertised as seen:

Every ad I've seen has been straight-forward. They do not use tactics I've seen in so many other ads to get you to play.


  2 of 5 cogs.

The graphics are very simplistic and nothing stands out about them.


    1 of 5 cogs.

The sounds are very similar and blend into the same tone.


 5 of 5 cogs.

The gameplay surprised me and I find drawn to keep playing this game. It's rare that a game grabs my attention so deeply.

Free play:

You can play this game without dropping money into it.

Fun factor:
😎 "Oh Yeah."

This is a fun game. I don't know how long this game will keep my attention, but it is a fun game to pick up and play. It's a fast-paced tower defence.

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