Greetings mechanics and tinkerers!
I was able to get in on this game shortly after it left Beta. This game is everything that makes up a
Disgaea game but boiled down a bit. The game is streamlined like many mobile games before it. You will see many old faces from the game frenchize and some new varitians of ones you know well.
In this game you have your own stronghold which you can slightly customize with a new background and music. There are two different currencies. HL which is found in the main series and then gems that are the premium currency, Which is divided into paid and free.
When you summon a unit using the gatcha system you get a full rundown of the units based stats and what the unit looks like. This is pretty standandard RPG stats here so there is no need to go into detail over them. Each monster has a star rating that can be increased with various methods. The number of stars can improve the base stats of the unit and thus makes it even stronger.
There are several gotchas that change out over time and there are some that can only be accessed with Paid crystals and I assume give garunteed better drop rates. From the rolls that I have made if you save up for a 10x roll you can sometimes gain one or two 4 star unit per about every 20 rolls.
The party screen allows you to create 5 different teams and as you progress you unlock more slots via Dark Assymbly. You can use any team you want but you want to try making teams that buff similar units. Each unit has unique evilties that can buff other team memebers.
When you long press on a unit, you can change the equipment of the unit or switch out the skills you can use during battle. You can also use items to raise the weapon levels of the unit. Each unit has a weapon forte that gives them the strongest stats and the best abilities.
From the main menu in facilities or above the unit, you can enter into Mao's lab. Here you will spend your most time. You can reincarnate the max level unit to add 100 levels to the unit. You can combind the exact same unit together to for a N.E. Power up to raise a unit's Eviltie level up for a max of 10 per unit. Note, there are several of the same monster unit that are different colors that can only be upgraded if the colors match. You can not mix colors of the same creature and because of this, it makes it harder to upgrade the unit you want to.
The next point of interest is the shop. Here you can buy more of the premium currency with real money, or you can buy bribe items or equipment with HL. In the equipment menu you have a chance of buying rare items and you can reroll them several times a day.
The hospital is a place where you get prizes for getting hurt but no actual healing happens here. Once a day you can get a random amount of AP to use on the various levels. This also acts as a very odd leaderboard to see who can take the most damage.
The dark assimbly is where you go to increase your AP or do various other upgrades that will help you along with the game. You get only 100 points per day and some of the bills you pass take all 100 points.
You have daily missions and lifetime missions that you can do to gain a lot of extra goodies.
This is the gateway you will go to find all the story missions along with other levels. The dark gate allows you to farm for experience and HL, along with items needed for reincarnation.
Here is the screenshot of the Dark gate. Nothing new to explain here.
This is the battle prep screen. You can change your party here with the arrows and you get a list of stage missions you must complete to get 3 stars. You can skip missions you have completed with 3 stars using skip tickets to farm those levels.
When you turn on Auto-battle, all you can do is click on an enemy unit to target it. If auto is turned off then you can choose which attacks to do when the unit reaches the edge of the bar.
The results screen displays to you everything you collect. Each charachter gets experience and if they survive and hit enemy units they get more experience. Any items you pick up also are displayed after.
When you start a battle, you can choose a companion to aid you in battle. You can even request to be friends with those people at the end of the battle.
Overall the game is solid but it only offers a slight difference compared to other mobile games of this type. It's not really enough to set the game too far apart from similar games. The experience is still solid but right now there is a lot of events being squeezed in
This game had a lot of story. Though, there are some minor translation errors that were never caught during beta. Which is sad as NIS is normally good with that.
Amount of ads:
There are no ads what so evern and no optional ads.
Accurate Advertising?:
There was

5 of 5 cogs.
The graphics follow the same quality of the Disgaea games.
The gameplay is very much like any other. I will give it a middle score for the quality of the game.
Free play:
This game is playable for free but to progress quickly you may need to spend some money especially if you wish to get a specific unit.
Fun factor:
😈 Netherworldly satire.
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