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Time to visit farm life with: Farmville2
Let me preface this blog by saying this is a Zynga game and quite frankly this game is a very broken and laggy mess. I have a decent middle-grade phone and this game would constantly lag and freeze. This started to happen around level 15 and the game became entirely unplayable. Each progressive update made it worse. I really do not like this game or the practices of Zynga. That being said I will try to be as fair as possible.
Surprisingly, this game has some story and you inherit a farm. You start by buying some animals and growing crops. Each crop has different growth rates and is the main source of income. As you progress
The first big way you make money and earn experience is by this message board here. As you unlock more things, tasks become more complex, and require more produce, or somethings hidden behind some long-timers.

At the bottom of the screen is a book that contains all of the quests you get. These are the biggest source of experience and golden keys. Golden keys are used to expand and unlock things faster without getting the requirements for them. Be warned these keys are needed to expand your production buildings to allow more items to be produced at once.
Here all of your quests show up and you can scroll left or right to see all of them. You get a thumbnail image here to remind you what you need.
Under the book is a cash-register. Here is the shop where you buy all your main crops or animals for the farm and additionally you can buy some cosmetic items you can pepper around your farm as you clear land.
Along the way, there are many events that pop up frequently and really detract from gathering much-needed produce. Frankly, the rewards from most of these events are not worth the effort you put into them.
Overall, this game is so similar to many on the play store that uses a similar kind of game engine. This one is very heavy with transitions and pushes you to spend money. This game has far too many bugs and issues to be worth playing
This game actually has a story and it's fairly generic. You unlock more as you progress along or play events.
Amount of ads:
There are some instances where you can watch optional ads to get golden keys or other things.
Accurate Advertising?:
I have not seen any video ads for this game at all but for the most part the screenshots on Google Play match.
The graphics are Ok, but I am not a fan of the bug eyed characters in this game. The rest of the assets like crops or produce are nice.
The game is buggy and slow. I have no good words for the gameplay when I can play the same game elsewhere and with less money grabbing.
Free play:
You 'could' just play a lot and struggle to slowly unlock stuff. Eventually you can join a community to get aid from others but even then it's very limited.
Fun factor:
😱 Bad Experience.
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